Elevate California is a vehicle to mobilize California residents in support of common-sense policies - by working with and through the California legislature.

We aim to:

  • improve accountability for state spending and public services,

  • enhance quality of life for all residents, and

  • foster innovation across our state, including support for small business.

As a new voice for change, we:

  • financially support and empower pragmatic state legislative leaders,

  • advocate for common-sense policies to counter-balance established special interests alongside a coalition of partners.

California should have the best services in the country – given that we have the highest state taxes and the budget has increased 50% since 2019. Yet, we need measurable outcomes of success for the new programs envisioned and funded  We advocate for a better taxpayer return on residents’ investment – working with the legislature to empower key agencies to share efficiency and results from state funding and collaborating with key local stakeholders to ensure Sacramento supports all of us.

Living in California should feel like an opportunity not a challenge. But rising costs and underperforming services have made it more difficult for families, young people, and seniors to see a future in our state. We support policies, objectives, and leaders that assist all our residents to live and thrive in California.

California has long been an innovator of new technologies, thinking, and opportunities. Yet, many well-intentioned policies discourage current innovators from expanding their businesses (from agricultural fields to Main Street to Silicon Valley).  We support streamlining conflicting regulations, rationalizing employment rules , and encouraging investment to ensure California remains one of the largest, most stable, fair-minded, and growing economies in the world.

If you love California and want your family to live here for generations to come, join us. Support our growing team. Fund state legislative candidates. Tell people about us.

Let’s change the state together!